About GiFT.investor

Every financial trader or investor has his or her own experience in his or her own journey in trading or investment. Some have chosen to share their experiences of success and failures, and others chose to keep the experience to themselves. Some very successful ones, like Warren Buffet, William J. O'Neil, Peter Lynch, just to named a few shared with books that they authored themselves or written by someone else. There are also thousands in the financial marketplace who chose to share their experiences in newsletters and blogs. Like those who shared their experiences through blog, GiFT.investor blog is a sharing site created within GiFT Ministry blog primarily to share our financial and investment journey as we joined God in His work in the financial trading marketplace.

Initially, the idea of writing experiences, thoughts and opinions through GiFT.investor blog is to help me structure my thoughts based on my passed experiences in financial trading and investments and also based on the information and knowledge that I gathered from readings and seminars. These thoughts are also heavily influenced by my spiritual belief and faith. It is important to note that I am not an expert in investing or trading, comparing to most of you and do not claim that my sharings or ideas are any better then those who will be reading and sharing in this blog. It is also important to note that there may be different ideas, strategies, opinions and investment styles that many of us have, which are derived from each of our own investment and trading journey through interpretation of information that we accumulated through reading of books and the experiences that we gathered from real life financial trading and investment.  Thus, I do not expect all who read GiFT.investor blog will see eye to eye in everything we shared in the GiFT.investor blog.

GiFT.investor blog is an extension to GiFT Ministry blog. The purpose is to provide a platform of sharing in our work in the trading or investment marketplace. Hopefully, through these sharings, we are able to learn from each others' differences and experiences, so as to serve the God's purpose of financial trading and investment...to be "Salt and Light".